Today I spent my writing time on my course notes, Mathematical Preparation for Finance: a Wild Ride through Mathematics. Had to update chapter 6 on continuous random variables, although I added to it theorems that also apply to discrete random variables! Oh well. Markov’s inequality and Chebyshev’s inequality got a bit of space. I also need to update the sections on transformations and convolutions, and add more finance-specific examples that I’ve gathered this year. I’m always learning more and always want to add more, but should probably stop at some point.
Went to the Mia (Minneapolis art museum). Interesting paintings in the special exhibit, though not as thrilling as I rather hoped. I liked the new installation in the contemporary wing, though, the way they got someone to paint all over the walls and then installed art throughout and around the painted walls. Can’t find a link to it but I like the vibrancy of the walls, instead of just having white.
A fun math/science link, in line with my recent interest in order that emerges from randomness/randomness that emerges from rules: Dice become ordered when stirred, not shaken. Basically, gently stir dice and they’ll end up nicely stacked.
Kid crying again 🙂 It’s an 11 pm thing.